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TCC beds

Intensive Recovery Support For All.

Bridging Inpatient Care and Outpatient Flexibility.

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Structured Healing

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Targeted Treatment

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Continued Care

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The Danger of Insufficient Care Levels.

For those in need of more than outpatient care but less than full hospitalization, finding the right support level is crucial to prevent relapse and ensure progress.


The Counseling Center fills this critical need with:

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Structured And Flexible Care

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A Stepping Stone To Independence

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Intensive, Daily Support Programs

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Why Choose This Program?

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Intensive Support

Designed for clients in acute distress, offering a level of care that bridges the gap between inpatient treatment and outpatient services.

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Holistic Approach

Addresses both substance use and mental health disorders, providing a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

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Pathway to Recovery

Equips clients with the tools and support necessary for a successful transition to a less intensive program or sober living.

Men’s and Women’s Partial Hospitalization

Our Partial Hospitalization Program at The Counseling Center offers focused care for individuals dealing with severe distress from substance use and mental health issues. With over 200 beds, this program provides a structured environment specifically designed for those who need intensive treatment and support.

Contact Us: 740-354-6685

Your Partner In Recovery Care!

Finding the right level of care can be critical to your recovery journey. The Counseling Center's Partial Hospitalization Program offers the intensive support you need with the care you deserve. Our experienced team, deeply knowledgeable in high-intensity care, ensures you receive a personalized treatment plan that respects your journey toward healing and recovery.

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A Tour of Our Facilities!

Take a virtual tour of The Counseling Center's facilities and see the detailed care and treatment we offer up close. Our photo gallery highlights the nurturing spaces where recovery starts, from private therapy rooms to inviting community areas. Browse the images to understand how we've designed each space with your comfort and recovery in mind, showcasing our dedication to being a sanctuary for those on their wellness journey.

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Your Personalized Path To Wellness.


Step 1: Reach Out Today

Reach out to us today to discover how TCC can tailor support specifically for you.

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Step 2: Personalized Plan

Following our initial contact, we'll collaborate to develop a personalized plan that's just right for you.

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Step 3: Live Life To The Fullest

At TCC, we guarantee top-notch care and support throughout your journey with us.

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